Wednesday, October 17, 2007

10 questions every atheist must answer

  • 10 questions every intelligent (errr..nevermind the intelligent factor, as it doesn't pertain to this situation) atheist MUST answer. A response to the YouTube video "10 questions every intelligent Christian must answer." - you can see it here --> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 1- Why don't atheists have any ORIGINAL arguments?
  • 2- Why don't atheists do any research?
  • 3- Why don't atheists "open-mindedly" look at research if they actually do any?
  • 4- Why do atheists invent imaginary dialogue when trying to "prove" a point?
  • 5- Why do atheists use "hypothetical" questions/situations & expect people to give them any credibility?
  • 6- Why do atheists insist on quoting Biblical Scripture, when they don't believe a word of it? (That only allows for their arguments to be thrown out the window.)
  • 7- When quoting Scripture, why do atheists ALWAYS miss the context of the passage?
  • 8- Why do atheists resort to tactics like "changing the subject /re-directing the topic, "the straw man"...(our favorite to shoot down) etc. and dragging out unnecessarily long replies with no actual answer to the question being asked?
  • 9- Why do atheists insist it's the BELIEVER'S responsibility to "prove" God's existence, when THEY are the ones making the opposing challenge?
  • 10- Why can't atheists provide a solid case for their refutation of Christianity?
  • 11- Why do atheists continue to use claims, statements, arguments (etc.) made by Antony Flew, when HE openly admitted that he was wrong?
  • 12- Why do atheists think using "big words" will make them sound more intelligent?
  • 13- Why do atheists continue to read my questions, even though I've gone PAST 10!!?
  • 14- If an atheist was alone in the woods, and there was nobody around to hear him/her talking, would they STILL sound like an idiot?
  • 15- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 16- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 17- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 18- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 19- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 20- Why do atheists always prove to be such douchebags?
  • 21- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 22- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 23- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 24- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 25- Did the atheists even catch the douche bag reference?
  • 26- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 27-Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 28- If you're an atheist, why are you STILL reading this?
  • 29 - ANSWER to #28; Because you're looking for the TRUTH, & you realize it's out there somewhere...but you haven't found it yet. (Let me also refer you to question # 25.)
  • 30- Why do atheists insist WE need to provide "Original" claims, beliefs, statements, arguments, (etc.) when THEY all sling the same old crap that's been passed from atheist generation to atheist generation?
  • 31- STILL HERE?
  • 32- You MUST be desperate for SOMETHING! Is it for an answer? Or is it for something to make fun of, concerning my list?
  • 33- Here's something funny, an atheist!
  • 34- Q: How many atheists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: None. They expect GOD to do it, to "PROVE" he exists.
  • 35- How much longer are you going to read this list of 10 questions???
  • 36- I knew you’d read this one too! You atheists are SOOOO predictable.
  • 37- Now I'm having fun... these aren't even questions anymore!
  • 38- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 39- #38 WAS a question
  • 40- Can you PROVE you're an atheist?
  • 41- This is too easy.
  • 42- Why do atheists make claims, & statements, but never give evidence to back them up?
  • 43- Why do atheists always answer questions with more questions?
  • 44- Why are THOSE questions even more ridiculous than the original claim or question they asked?
  • 45- Why do atheists use the same arguments over & over?
  • 46- Why are atheists STILL reading this???
  • 47- Why do atheists only accept “scientific evidence” selectively based on whether or not they think it works in their favor?
  • 48- Is it stupidity, or ignorance?
  • 49- Why will the atheists continue to use the same old arguments over & over & over when they get mad enough to respond to this list?
  • 50- Woohoo! 50 questions / proofs that atheism is for morons! Think I'm wrong? Just ask around. Ask Richard Dawkins for advice if you'd like. I don't care. He's an idiot too.
  • Have fun with this list because, all you'll end up doing is making yourself look even more uneducated if you try to mock it. You know I'm right! Don't waste your time. You're scared... You KNOW you'll sound stupid.... (Yes, this IS a challenge.. I WANT you to comment about it, so I can SHRED YOU AGAIN!) Heeheeee!

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